
第75章 11.13三次分享


2023年11月13日 星期一

Monday, November 13, 2023


#Share dail


1. Virgo likes to be partial and exceptional, and likes to be firmly chosen.

2.你好呀!不知道你能不能會看到這封信,我希望寫給你的信,都能親手遞給你,但是我知道是不可能的,所以就在這給你留言吧,我不知道為什麼總是想給你寫一些東西 ,就算是一些碎碎念,也想寫一寫,每次看到你分享自己的生活,我總覺得我們離得很近 ,就好像我們在某時某刻會在一個路口擦肩而過一樣。沒有鏡頭的地記錄,你私下也過著普通人的生活,也會去喝奶茶,也會去遊樂園玩,但你站在舞臺上,我在心裡就是你閃閃發光的大明星。也不知道你最近在忙什麼呢?休息當然是最好的啦!

2. Hello! I don't know if you can see this letter. I hope that all the letters I write to you can be handed to you by hand, but I know it's impossible. So I leave you a message here. I don't know why I always want to write something to you. Even if it's some fragmentary thoughts, I want to write. Every time I see you share your life, I always feel that we are very close. It's like we're going to pass each other at an intersection at a certain moment. Without camera recording, you live an ordinary life in private, drink milk tea and go to amusement parks, but when you stand on the stage, I am your shining star in my heart. I don't know what you are busy with recently? Rest is certainly the best!

3.祝你天天開心,天天快樂,遇到事情不要難過,鏡頭下的你超可愛,私下肯定也是,記住你是最棒的,給我們帶來很多歡樂,也要給自己帶來快樂,一定要做一個快樂的小朋友喲。還有一定要好好休息,平時那麼忙,如果有休息時間一定要好好休息,不要經常熬夜,好好吃飯,你要照顧好自己的身體!那些閒言碎語不要去聽 ,做你自己就好不要太在意別人的看法,記住你就是你,沒有人可以來代替你,你在我心中的位置希望你能越來越好,多多分享你的生活,你一定可以站在更大的舞臺上,相信自己!加油!你真的很棒,不要為了別人而傷害自己。

3. I wish you happy every day, happy every day, do not be sad when things happen, you are super cute under the camera, certainly in private, remember that you are the best, bring us a lot of joy, but also bring happiness to yourself, must be a happy child yo. Also must have a good rest, usually so busy, if there is rest time must have a good rest, do not often stay up late, eat well, you have to take good care of your body! Don't listen to those gossip, just be yourself, don't care too much about other people's opinions, remember that you are you, no one can replace you, your position in my heart, I hope you can get better and better, share your life more, you can stand on a bigger stage, believe in yourself! Come on! You are really good. Don't hurt yourself for others.



十二星座之都市怪談錄 詭異求生:系統讓我三更死 完美藝術 怪夢思流年 卡柏傳 我死過N次 狂鼠之災破滅