
第6章 轉盤






Joint fire attack ship concept ship joint fire attack ship is designed based on KDDX hull. The ship is not equipped with naval guns, but it is equipped with a variety of missile weapons including ballistic missiles. The development of the ship is mainly to deal with the growing nuclear threat of the imaginary enemy. According to foreign media reports, although the actual tonnage of this type of "Korean armory" may not exceed 10,000 tons, the designer follows the principle of "firepower first" and adds a vertical hair system to this "armory" as much as possible to make it capable of launching ballistic missiles.

這是ROKS JSS的介紹!


"Liren" Ship (Universal Ship Concept Ship) At the 11th Chine Inventors Forum in 2017, Academician Ma Weiming made a keynote speech, in which the concept of "Universal Ship" was mentioned. It is hoped that a single ship can realize systematic air defense, anti-submarine and precise attack on the sea and the other side. In Modern Warships, "Liren" is set as the expected concept of cruiser-class ships in Chine in the near future, that is, the all-round ship design concept test ship. The ship is equipped with a variety of advanced weapons, including four rail guns, supersonic anti-ship missiles, ballistic missiles and powerful air defense systems.

這是CN Liren的介紹!





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